The Pinnacle Portfolio: Unprecedented Private Coll...

RM Sotheby’s secures the most significant and valuable private automobile collection ever presented at auction for its Monterey, California sale in August ‘The Pinnacle Portfolio’ comprises a superlative roster of the world’s rarest and most important sports and super cars, from one of the finest Ferrari 250 LMs in existence, to a road-race hybrid 1998 McLaren F1 “The Road Going LM” Other highlights include a bookend pair of Bugatti Veyrons, and the final Enzo gifted to the late Pope John Paul II Additional feature entries to be announced in the coming weeks RM Monterey sale extended to three days, with ‘The Pinnacle Portfolio’ taking center stage on Thursday, August 13 Further information...

Ferrari F12 & 458 Challenge Tech Session Aug09

Ferrari F12 & 4...

Every now and then the local Ferrari Club of America chapter (FCA – Desert Region) works with the local Ferrari dealership (Scottsdale Ferrari) to put together tech events where they run down the details of the latest and greatest Ferrari(s) to hit Arizona. And, every single time, I...

Inaugural Penske Cars and Coffee – Scottsdale Mar26

Inaugural Penske Cars and Coffee – Scottsdal...

When I heard that  Penske Automotive Group Phoenix was putting together their own monthly Cars and Coffee event at their Penske Auto Mall (along with a sister event in Chandler the same day), I knew I had to be there.  Not only because with backing like that, it’s bound to become a quality event, but also because it’s a great location for such an event. دمبله   Being just off the 101 and at a dealership lot (purpose built to display a large quantity of cars), it’s perfect for an event where there are a lot of cars and people coming and going and a lot to see.  Doesn’t hurt that those cars are displayed in front of a first rate racing museum that is sandwiched between luxury and...

A “Three Course” Italian Evening Oct30

A “Three Cours...

I was recently invited by the Ferrari Club of America – Desert Region to a very special event, hosted by Ferrari of Scottsdale. An event they called “A ‘Three Course’ Italian Evening”, it was exactly that, a trio of mini-events, the highlight being the unveiling...
